Advanced Molecular Imaging Laboratory 
Science is cool

Graduate Admissions

   Shenzhen Bay Laboratory has established joint training programs for doctoral and/or master's degrees with well-known universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and University of Barcelona. Welcome to contact us.

    Admissions web page (please contact Ms. Chen at for updated information):


    清华大学-深圳医学科学院/深圳湾实验室联合培养博士专项计划2024年招生简章 (

    深圳湾实验室-华南理工大学2023年接收推荐免试硕士研究生招生简章 (

    深圳湾实验室2024年与香港高校联合培养博士研究生招生简章 2024 SZBL-HKUST/SZBL-HKU Joint PhD Program Admission Guideline


Contact: (Ms. Zhou)